Seksuel krænkelse på arbejdsmarkedet

Mennesket bruger cirka ⅓ af sin hverdag på arbejdspladsen. Derfor er det essentielt at arbejdspladsen er et godt og trygt sted, hvor både det fysiske og psykiske arbejdsmiljø er tilfredsstillende. Især det psykiske miljø, hvor seksuel krænkende adfærd finder vi relevant, da problematikken kan have negative konsekvenser for den det går udover (Heinskou et al, 2017).
Det kan dog være svært at definere hvornår noget er seksuel krænkende, og hvor den enkelte persons grænse er. For hvad der er seksuel krænkende for én, er ikke nødvendigvis gældende for alle andre.

Den digitale organisation

In our modern technological world, there is a large need for digital solutions. Using different design methods, techniques, and theories, we are creating a unified, socio-technical platform for sport clubs, providing optimized workflows and structure for the organization and end-user. We wanted our prototype design to build upon socio-technical methods and create a user-friendly solution, digitizing manual labor and alleviating organizational challenges.

Instagram og mental sundhed

The purpose of this study is to investigate how Instagram as a social media affects young girls and their mental health. Firstly, this will be done by exploring how mental health is defined and what Instagram can provide the young girls with. Furthermore a questionnaire with young girls will be withdrawn to lighten up how the young girls act on Instagram and why they do certain things. To be able to conclude how their acts affect their mental health theorists such as Thomas Ziehe, Vincent Hendricks, Erving Goffman and Joshua Meyrowitz will be the fulcrum to an analysis…

VR og eksamensangst


Biodiverse Highways in Copenhagen

Example showing how ‘Green highways’ og ‘Eco Paths’ could be constructed in the near future with present day technology

Lamia Laila isn't working on any live projects right now.