
Seksuel krænkelse på arbejdsmarkedet

Mennesket bruger cirka ⅓ af sin hverdag på arbejdspladsen. Derfor er det essentielt at arbejdspladsen er et godt og trygt sted, hvor både det fysiske og psykiske arbejdsmiljø er tilfredsstillende. Især det psykiske miljø, hvor seksuel krænkende adfærd finder vi relevant, da problematikken kan have negative konsekvenser for den det går udover (Heinskou et al, 2017).
Det kan dog være svært at definere hvornår noget er seksuel krænkende, og hvor den enkelte persons grænse er. For hvad der er seksuel krænkende for én, er ikke nødvendigvis gældende for alle andre.

Lysinstallation på togstation

This report aims to improve the conditions at the danish train station, Hedehusene Station. We hope to do so in terms of illumination, with a focus on a light installation design with aesthetic properties. We go about this with our curriculum at Roskilde University in mind. Furthermore we make use of various methods while simultaneously accounting for them. Methods such as Interviews, Coloured Cognitive Mapping, Storyboard and Soft Design Science Methodology. In doing so we juggle the phases of the iterative design process, going back and forth whilst iterating versions of our proposed design.

Mars Habitat

This paper examines the challenges in designing a Mars habitat in a lava tube for the first manned mission. Throughout the paper, you will receive an insight into NASA’s Artemis mission, which will enlighten some requirements in designing a Mars habitat. Further, we will analyze and discuss our mission and creation of said habitat from an ethics philosophy perspective.

Grøn Ros

Roskilde Festival har mange problemer med unge der henkaster affald på campingpladsen. Vores projekt søger efter, at finde en løsning til at gøre unge mellem 15-30 år, opmærksom på affaldssortering på festivalen. Vi har bygget et design, hvor folk på festivalen kan komme og sortere deres affald. Designet er baseret på lysteknologien arduinoboard, kvalitative interviews, æstetik teori, Design og konstruktion teori, adfærdsdesign og et paradigmatisk eksempel. Derudover diskuteres der i opgaven, om der skal prioriteres æstetik i samfundet, og klimaforandringerne i henhold til affaldssortering.

Denvirkeligeverden 3.0

The world we live in now is digitized and the distance between people gets smaller and smaller. Now our access to each other has become easier than ever. Late modernity means that we have developed more technologies and that means that we are able to do more things without moving. Our identity is influenced by the aforementioned, as we are now independent of the traditional ways of life. The name of our project is “self-representation on Instagram”, and the goal of this project is to understand the development and formation of identity of young girls in late modern society. Our focus will be h

Leg til børn

This paper examines how our artifact called “læringsstativet,” can strengthen children’s educational levels in danish kindergartens, as well as their social skills, and thereby making the job of preparing children for preschool easier for danish kindergarten teachers. It is also examined which design choices can make “læringsstativet” the most efficient regarding the aforementioned factors. The design process consisting of inspiration, ideation, Implementation is explained. By using colored cognitive mapping we identified the causes and consequences of the problem, that there are not enough nu

Workshop – Digital Produktion

In this WorkShop, Digital Production – FabLab, the participants has been working with their individual projects while learning how to use the difference machines available. The projects had to involve digital designs, a product and a poster. The Workshop is both professional and practical, where the students get a lot of time to creating/designing what they feel like. A super WorkShop all in all!



Piezoelektrisk energihøster

Science in primary school is a subject that gives students a basic understanding of the world’s existence through natural science phenomena. However, not all forms of teaching are equally effective. Theoretical teaching offers the students relevant knowledge in i.a. Classical blackboard teaching, where experimental work conveys knowledge through practice. Theoretical work for many students is difficult to relate to, where the practical work for many is a fun and exciting feature of the teaching, but is it also the most educational?

Praktisk arbejde i fysik/kemi

Science in primary school is a subject that gives students a basic understanding of the world’s existence through natural science phenomena. However, not all forms of teaching are equally effective. Theoretical teaching offers the students relevant knowledge in i.a. Classical blackboard teaching, where experimental work conveys knowledge through practice. Theoretical work for many students is difficult to relate to, where the practical work for many is a fun and exciting feature of the teaching, but is it also the most educational?

Fremtidens Energisystem 2025

Fremtidens Energisystemer

Optimering af Jarmers Plads

This assignment focuses on the efficiency improvement of the urban spaces of Copenhagen.

Sydhavnens nye Ungdomsklub

Vores projekt omhandler det sociale liv hos unge i det gamle og nye Sydhavnen. Vi ønsker at fjerne opdelingen, der er opstået og skabe et socialt samvær, der tilsidesætter kulturelle, økonomiske og faglige forhold.