Den digitale organisation

In our modern technological world, there is a large need for digital solutions. Using different design methods, techniques, and theories, we are creating a unified, socio-technical platform for sport clubs, providing optimized workflows and structure for the organization and end-user. We wanted our prototype design to build upon socio-technical methods and create a user-friendly solution, digitizing manual labor and alleviating organizational challenges.

Ældreteknologi og VR

Hvad sker der når man sætter en ældre ud i rummet med Apollo-11 i VR? Følg med her 😉

Æstetisk diversitet i Sydhavnen

Hvordan kan man bruge farver som æstetisk redskab til at styrke tilhørsforhold i Sydhavnen?

Nicklas isn't working on any live projects right now.