Danske Naturparkers Myndighedsvakuum

With theory from Harvey, document analysis of material from Friluftsrådet and structured interviews with two employees in Naturpark Åmosen, this project goes in depth with what this entrepreneurial turn has to do with the development of the Danske Naturparker model, which is run by Friluftsrådet, and what problems this government practice impose in practice. This is further explored through a study of Naturpark Åmosen and the opportunities and limitations project-based development brings with it in their daily operations. The project finds that the nature park model is a symptom of the…

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Danske Naturparkers Myndighedsvakuum
Danske Naturparkers Myndighedsvakuum

With theory from Harvey, document analysis of material from Friluftsrådet and structured interviews with two employees in Naturpark Åmosen, this project goes in depth with what this entrepreneurial turn has to do with the development of the Danske Naturparker model, which is run by Friluftsrådet, and what problems this government practice impose in practice. This is further explored through a study of Naturpark Åmosen and the opportunities and limitations project-based development brings with it in their daily operations. The project finds that the nature park model is a symptom of the…

Mobilitetspraksisser: Enghave Plads

This report examines how Enghave Plads Station affects the mobility praxises on the square. The report identifies the design principles of M1, M2, Cityringen and Enghave Plads. Based on this, the report analyses the movement of the users on the square and how the arrangement of benches, bushes and trees might have a sociopetal or sociofugal effect on these patterns of movement.

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Æstetisk diversitet i Sydhavnen

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