looking for an easy project journey

lorem ipsum sularum

A collection of wireframes on the new internship module for the new Thirdroom.org platform that launches in August 2022.

Showtime på Thirdroom

En opsamling/evaluering af Workshop Showtime F2021, som viser graden af aktiv deltagelse og interaktion på Thirdroom.

Use of HTML in timeline posts

A how to guide of how to use HTML in Thirdroom Posts to style content.

Guide: Den gode mundtlige præsentation

Den gode mundtlige præsentation

How to: Embed media on Thirdroom

The purpose of this project is to show how Thirdroom displays and embeds a wide variety of media.

How-to Thirdroom

You can find help videos and an on boarding flow for Thirdroom here. Please dont hesitate to contact us at thirdroom@ruc.dk if you have any questions!

Collaborative Advantage I

lorem ipsum- jeres Abstrack

Collaborative Advantages II


Nye digitale Biblioteker

Hanne Leth Andersen, Katja Gry Carlsen og Bent Meier Sørensen tager pulsen på forskningsfriheden i den digitale tid, en podcast med Knus Romer

SDG Challenge Board

comming soon

Labs og studios på RUC

Dette projekt prøver at samle og give et overblik over diverse labs og studios der findes på RUC. Kender du til et der ikke er her, så adder det gerne i “Comments”.
Dette værk er licenseret under en Creative Commons Kreditering 4.0 International-licens.

De nye 1+ 2. semester vejledninger

Denne tidslinje viser de foremlle guides til 2 semesters afleveringer på Thirdroom


This project explains more about what Thirdroom is and how it came to be, if your are interest in the development and its history!

How to: Add visual media on Thirdroom

The purpose of this Guide is to show how Thirdroom displays visual media, fx. Photography as an ever growing art that more people today, with the new digital literacies, find use-full to express their knowledge.