Alternative måde på at forbedre it-sy

The report is about the search for alternative solutions for issues of the IT-systems in Roskilde university

Task Management

This project examines how to develop a tool for task scheduling using the Google Calendar API. Our program aims to be helpful for students who have difficulties planning the school assignments into their calendar.
We have integrated the Google Calendar and our application, which inserts the tasks into the user’s calendar. The scheduling algorithm handles the tasks’ deadline and duration, splits them into multiple events and sends them to the free time slots.

Offentligt transport

This project incorporates the dimensions “Subjectivity, Technology and Society”, “Design & Construction”, and “Scientific Theory”.
The assignment is focused on the sustainable and environmentally friendly aspects of public transport systems. The report goes on to explore how green and sustainable public transport truly is, and how we can make people between the ages of 18 to 29 play a bigger part in slowing down the global CO₂ emissions by choosing public transportation.

Autonome køretøjer

Large parts of society and our jobs are on their way to be automated, so why don’t we fully automate vehicles? We have already seen the metro under Copenhagen become fully automated. In the US, there are already autonomous vehicles driving on roads with non-autonomous vehicles.
What will happen when autonomous technology takes over people’s jobs? This effect has already been felt in the automobile industry, were assembly is now shared between robots and people.


This assignment attends the matters of loneliness, social media’s influence on loneliness and the way of making new friendships for young individuals between the age of 16-29 years old. The main purpose of this group project is to create a new way for people to make friends, whom all share the same hobbies and interests as one might have. The solution we’ve come up with, is our own application. On our application everything relies on the things you have in common instead of the society’s likes and swipes as other social networks rely on.
Since we were unable to create a functional app, we’ve

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