Thirdroom – Arbejdspraksisser

This project investigates the students work practices regarding the platform Thirdroom at Roskilde University. In a study, developed by the group of this project, it is clear that the vast majority of the students are using other platforms than Thirdroom, although Thirdroom is mandatory for a specific segment of the students at “Den Humanistisk-Teknologiske Bacheloruddannelse”. The research question answered in this project is: how can the students work practices connected to Thirdroom be improved?

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Thirdroom – Arbejdspraksisser
Thirdroom – Arbejdspraksisser

This project investigates the students work practices regarding the platform Thirdroom at Roskilde University. In a study, developed by the group of this project, it is clear that the vast majority of the students are using other platforms than Thirdroom, although Thirdroom is mandatory for a specific segment of the students at “Den Humanistisk-Teknologiske Bacheloruddannelse”. The research question answered in this project is: how can the students work practices connected to Thirdroom be improved?

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