What do I do with 100g of chickpeas?

Exploration of meat consumption and strategies to reduce it in response to the need for global dietary shifts away from meat. Based on qualitative interviews with consumers, the analysis identifies barriers to reducing meat consumption, including limited understanding of environmental impacts and insufficient skills for meat-free meals. Building on this, workshops generate various initiatives, with consistent suggestions for interventions in supermarkets and public campaigns. This research provides insights into addressing meat consumption challenges and promoting sustainable dietary practices

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What do I do with 100g of chickpeas?
What do I do with 100g of chickpeas?

Exploration of meat consumption and strategies to reduce it in response to the need for global dietary shifts away from meat. Based on qualitative interviews with consumers, the analysis identifies barriers to reducing meat consumption, including limited understanding of environmental impacts and insufficient skills for meat-free meals. Building on this, workshops generate various initiatives, with consistent suggestions for interventions in supermarkets and public campaigns. This research provides insights into addressing meat consumption challenges and promoting sustainable dietary practices

Oplevelsen af den kreative by

This paper examines the urban planning preceding the establishment of a new creative district, with the ambition of contributing knowledge about the relation between urban planning and the real life experience of the everyday user and resident. Focused on Musicon, a sprouting new district of Roskilde, Denmark, as its particular case, it explores the preceding urban planning and visions behind the district and examines its significance as to how the district is being experienced by its users and residents.

Kakaobaseret skovlandbrug i Bolivia

This paper examines cocoa agroforestry as a sustainable alternative to conventional agriculture and a method to reduce deforestation in the Bolivian Amazon. To understand the sustainability of cocoa agroforestry in practise, a case study is made based on two cases of cocoa agroforestry. Both cases fulfill a high degree of environmental protection, social benefits and, in the long term, economic benefits as well. However, a major barrier for the system to compete with conventional agroforestry on a large scale is short-term economic and knowledge support from outside organisations.

Udbredelse af genbrugsmursten

The problem of unnecessary downcycling of building materials leads us to the premise for this project, which is why it is not a more widespread practice to reuse old building materials in new buildings. We have chosen bricks as our focus material because the technology for preparing bricks for reuse is already developed, and thus the primary barrier for widespread use is social rather than technical. We focus on relations regarding the use of reused bricks between the developer PensionDanmark and contractor Gamle Mursten.

Carbon footprinting in supermarkets

The food industry is responsible for 22 % of carbon emissions in Denmark. The increase of climate emissions are causing tremendous and long-lasting problems for our planet. The changes that occur in the natural environment due to climate gas emissions may be irreversible, and the consequences of the problem are about to be a great concern for the humans that live today, as well as for the ones in the future. The consequences of the climate change concern agriculture and food supply on a greater scale, and are hitting the consumers directly.

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