Udbredelse af genbrugsmursten

The problem of unnecessary downcycling of building materials leads us to the premise for this project, which is why it is not a more widespread practice to reuse old building materials in new buildings. We have chosen bricks as our focus material because the technology for preparing bricks for reuse is already developed, and thus the primary barrier for widespread use is social rather than technical. We focus on relations regarding the use of reused bricks between the developer PensionDanmark and contractor Gamle Mursten.

Overgangen fra benzinbiler til elbiler

Elbilens teknologi har været længe undervejs og med dens aktualitet, som værende et alternativ til de konventionelle biler. Dermed er en optimering af elbilens teknologi, mere specifikt batteriet, uundgåeligt for at fremme udbredelsen til forbrugerne.

Turisme i rummet

Turisme i rummet

Jacob isn't working on any live projects right now.