Hydroponisk Vertikal foderproduktion

Dette projekt kigger på muligheden for arealbesparelse, ved hjælp af hydroponisk vertikalt landbrug, i from af en omlægning af foderproduktion, med henblik på at få mere vild natur

En bæredygtig RUC-bar

This project examines the possibilities of reducing the use of single-use plastic cups in RUC-bar. With grounding in the Design Science Research realm, the project aims at creating a design solution, working within the premises of abductive logic. The exposition and analysis are structured within the design process model “The Double Diamond”, allowing for a flexible and iterative approach to problem-solving. Conclusively, the paper will present a recommendation for the chairperson of RUC-bar, encompassing the design solution and guidance thereof.

Workshop #10 – E21 – HumTek

I denne workshop skal vi designe en klimaskærm, hvor vi i denne gruppe har designet en tilbygning til bygning 13.

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