Recognizing Emotion in Dance

This project aims to examine how a program can detect emotions in a user’s dance
movements, and how this can be utilized in an interactive scenography. The project utilizes machine-learning to predict which emotion is portrayed through the user’s dance moves via a live video-feed. Each classification of the user’s emotion is set to trigger a corresponding graphical animation. The final program manages to create an interactive relation between the user and the scenography’s visual appearance.

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Recognizing Emotion in Dance
Recognizing Emotion in Dance

This project aims to examine how a program can detect emotions in a user’s dance
movements, and how this can be utilized in an interactive scenography. The project utilizes machine-learning to predict which emotion is portrayed through the user’s dance moves via a live video-feed. Each classification of the user’s emotion is set to trigger a corresponding graphical animation. The final program manages to create an interactive relation between the user and the scenography’s visual appearance.

De sociale medier og mentalt helbred

Vi vil med denne opgave sætte fokus på den identitet man skaber online og den manglende digitale dannelse. Derudover vil du kigge på flere faktorer, for at få en helhedsforståelse af problematikker unge piger kommer igennem via. Instagram.

Velfærdsteknologi – droner

Drones has been used in warfare for a long time, it is a way to aim precisely, to hit the target intended and to minimize the death of their soldiers. War is what people most likely would say if you inquire about drones, but companies like Holo and research centers SDU Dronecenter are in the process of integrating drones as a common practise in Danish healthcare, that would make it easier for the staff if they could send their tests and/or their medicine with a drone to another hospital or nursery homes.


Dette er vores semesterprojekt på 1. semester.

Hafsa isn't working on any live projects right now.