Technological Singularity

his project investigates what futures scenarios can be set up based on technological singularity generated by CRISPR technique. The biomedical knowledge and techniques have one thing in common – they have changed the way in which human life is understood.

The project uses socio-constructivist approach as a means to to explain how gene technology is going to shape our society in the future. The future scenarios are designed and analyzed with the help of three expert interviews, trend-spotting and desk research.

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Technological Singularity
Technological Singularity

his project investigates what futures scenarios can be set up based on technological singularity generated by CRISPR technique. The biomedical knowledge and techniques have one thing in common – they have changed the way in which human life is understood.

The project uses socio-constructivist approach as a means to to explain how gene technology is going to shape our society in the future. The future scenarios are designed and analyzed with the help of three expert interviews, trend-spotting and desk research.

The biological impact of wireless tech

This report is about EMF’s effect on biological systems

Bio og Neurofeedback

Biofeedback and stress


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