Twitter og Amerikansk Politik

This project examines the present use of Twitter in relation to the American presidential election in 2020. Furthermore, it examines the possible consequences and problems related to the use of Twitter, as well as some of the regulations on the subject.The project concludes that the use of Twitter in the weeks before the election increases. Filter bubbles and misinformation are two central problems related to the use of Twitter, and the project concludes that there is a need for transparency on the subject and the current way of regulating it.

Algoritmer, Instagram og Mennesker

This project deals with the effects that Instagrams algorithms have on human behaviour in social settings, and on some users mental health. The project is based on theories about algorithms, social behaviour and health. Furthermore, it includes a study published by The Danish Health Authority in 2018. Since female users between the age of 16 and 24 have shown to be the most common users of Instagram, and the group with the highest percentage of mental health issues, they are this project’s main focus. The project includes four interviews with young women between 16 and 24 years of age.

Funktionelle og Æstetiske byrum

This project is based on a specific urban space, called Ragnhildgade-grunden. In this project we used a theoretical approach in relation to our first design solution to the urban space. Furthermore, we have used empirical data and interviews with local individuals to analyze and re-create our second design solution. A combination of the theoretical approach and data from our interviews will help us develop our final design solution. Our studies have shown that aesthetic properties and light technology has an impact on the individual perception of an aesthetic urban space.

Women without Men

Final zine.

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