
Dette semester projekt omhandler sundhedsteknologien telemedicin, der er en teknologi hvis formål er at levere sundhedsydelser over afstand.

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Dette semester projekt omhandler sundhedsteknologien telemedicin, der er en teknologi hvis formål er at levere sundhedsydelser over afstand.


This project focus on the current climate changes. The main problem in this report is to investigate whether or not biogas is sustainable in long terms. The paper will go through a critical analysis of biogas as a sustainable technology and present pros and cons. Furthermore we used qualitative methods as interview with Sine Beuse Fauerby from a union called “Danmarks Naturfredningsforening” and a field trip to Solrød Biogasanlæg. In addition, we have made a visual presentation to make our conclusion easy and understandable.

Katrina isn't working on any live projects right now.