Covid-19’s påvirkning af PD-metoder

The purpose of this paper, is to examine how Covid-19 and the restrictions that have followed, have affected participatory design (PD) methods.
PD is well-known for being a design method where cooperation and user involvement is essential. When Covid-19 hit the world at the beginning of 2020 many countries tried to fight the pandemic with lock downs and social distancing. In the wake of these, it is the hypothesis that PD as a method was affected.

Kystsikring af Køge Bugt

This paper examines the consequences of combined coastal- and pluvial floods and how to
plan against flooding, in a case study of the current coastal protection plan in Køge municipal
called; Lokalplan 1050-Køge Dige. The project is examined through a hypothetical-deductive
approach, drawing on theory about technology analysis, urban flooding and combined floods.
Through the use of both qualitative and quantitative research methods in a mixed-methods
approach, the study has collected data that is used throughout the paper.


Vi har laserskåret toppladen og midterbenet i HDF. Midterpladen er skåret i akryl. Bundpladen og benene er CNC skåret. Fødderne er 3D printet. Selve “globusen” er vakuum formet.

Nyheds- og Informationsplatform

This paper examines news and social media habits of Danish people, ages sixteen to twentyeight. Furthermore, how they interact with their chosen news platform(s), such as social
media or official news sites. Exploiting both qualitative & quantitative research methods, the
project has collected data which is applied throughout the project. The project have analysed,
using these methods, the behavior and patterns of the tested respondents. The paper also
describes a practical solution in the form of a mobile application and how to make it appealing.

Fremtidens Energisystem 2025

København kommune har en plan om, at være CO2 neutrale ved udgangen af 2025. Dette projekt er et bud på et eventuelt design af et fremtidigt urbant energisystem.

Hvordan kan man re-designe københavns energisystem, ved at udskifte fossile brændsler, så man kan opnå CO2 neutralitet ved udgangen af 2025?

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