Kystsikring af Køge Bugt

This paper examines the consequences of combined coastal- and pluvial floods and how to
plan against flooding, in a case study of the current coastal protection plan in Køge municipal
called; Lokalplan 1050-Køge Dige. The project is examined through a hypothetical-deductive
approach, drawing on theory about technology analysis, urban flooding and combined floods.
Through the use of both qualitative and quantitative research methods in a mixed-methods
approach, the study has collected data that is used throughout the paper.

Borgerinddragelse i Bavnehøj

This project deals with the physical elements in urban open spaces, public involvement, and the relations within the metropolis. The project shall investigate how an already existing urban open space can be transformed and re-designed. Through empirical methods and urban open space theories from Jan Gehl and Georg Simmel we have worked with our case, which is Bavnehøj Allé. The idea behind the project is to collect information and understand what creates urban open spaces.

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