Hyperloops: Fremtidens Transport

This is a paradigmatic, quasi-comparative case study of the hyperloop project running between San Francisco and Los Angeles. By comparing the hyperloop system to similar systems such as the Shinkansen high speed rail system in Japan, we attempted to assess the role which the hyperloop will inhabit going forward. We found that the hyperloop shares some characteristics with the Shinkansen systems, such as long distance travel at high speeds with the aid of frictionless electromagnetic levitation. This technology, along with a vacuum tube will mitigate the high energy consumption that would other

Selvforsynende Storby

This project examines the technology hydroponic and how it is implemented and used in the context of the society. Hydroponic is a modern farming-technology which is not a common use in today’s conventional farming structures. The technology is based on a water-irrigation-system. This system is connected to a nutrient- and mineral-based dispenser. The goal of hydroponics is to keep the crop hydrated and nutrient-rich. The crop is situated in a non-soil-based growth medium.

GNSS & mikromobilitet

This project addresses the impact GNSS-technology has on the development of the new company-driven micromobility in Copenhagen. The project first analyzes GNSS-Technology, then take the diffusion of the technology into consideration by holding Everett Rogers’ “Diffusion and Innovations” up against one official evaluation report, a survey on mobility habits in Copenhagen and the embedded social practices suggested in John Urry’s theory about the new mobility paradigm.


The result of a growing society of consumers is a growing amount of waste. Recent years an
increase of awareness of the condition of the climate and environment and where this is
heading, has caused more countries to reflect upon their own sustainability. An important
factor in the strategy to reform the current pattern of linear resource use, is to increase
reusage and recycling of waste. This paper focus is on the division of biowaste. While the
municipality of Copenhagen has rolled out a biowaste gathering and reusage plan. This paper
researches the role of the citizen and the bio-bin that

Fremtidens Energisystem 2025

København kommune har en plan om, at være CO2 neutrale ved udgangen af 2025. Dette projekt er et bud på et eventuelt design af et fremtidigt urbant energisystem.

Hvordan kan man re-designe københavns energisystem, ved at udskifte fossile brændsler, så man kan opnå CO2 neutralitet ved udgangen af 2025?

Pilotprojekt 1 (Klima)

Almost everybody wants to see a greener world, a place where we don’t contaminate our surroundings to a degree that is destroying our world. In many cases, though, it’s difficult to find cheap and effective solutions without having an internal department looking for solutions. We wanted to look for options to optimize climate solutions for companies and public institutions, in an easy and accessible way.

Jens-Emil isn't working on any live projects right now.