Selvforsynende Storby

This project examines the technology hydroponic and how it is implemented and used in the context of the society. Hydroponic is a modern farming-technology which is not a common use in today’s conventional farming structures. The technology is based on a water-irrigation-system. This system is connected to a nutrient- and mineral-based dispenser. The goal of hydroponics is to keep the crop hydrated and nutrient-rich. The crop is situated in a non-soil-based growth medium.

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Selvforsynende Storby
Selvforsynende Storby

This project examines the technology hydroponic and how it is implemented and used in the context of the society. Hydroponic is a modern farming-technology which is not a common use in today’s conventional farming structures. The technology is based on a water-irrigation-system. This system is connected to a nutrient- and mineral-based dispenser. The goal of hydroponics is to keep the crop hydrated and nutrient-rich. The crop is situated in a non-soil-based growth medium.

GNSS & mikromobilitet

This project addresses the impact GNSS-technology has on the development of the new company-driven micromobility in Copenhagen. The project first analyzes GNSS-Technology, then take the diffusion of the technology into consideration by holding Everett Rogers’ “Diffusion and Innovations” up against one official evaluation report, a survey on mobility habits in Copenhagen and the embedded social practices suggested in John Urry’s theory about the new mobility paradigm.

Velværeoptimerende Smart Lighting

Et designprojekt, der fokuserer på forbedring af velvære gennem bedre lysforhold

Bænken der aldrig er våd

Den færdige prototype

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