Menneskerettigheder i en digital alder

Ever since societies across the world has started employing algorithms to sort data in social context, the distribution of sorting algorithms has engaged several studies that concern algorithmic
construction, unintended effects of algorithmic sorting, and how individuals, technology and society merge and flourish in our age. Several of these studies has put a strong focus on the hidden layer of information that most studies have denoted: the ‘black box’ of the algorithm.

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Menneskerettigheder i en digital alder
Menneskerettigheder i en digital alder

Ever since societies across the world has started employing algorithms to sort data in social context, the distribution of sorting algorithms has engaged several studies that concern algorithmic
construction, unintended effects of algorithmic sorting, and how individuals, technology and society merge and flourish in our age. Several of these studies has put a strong focus on the hidden layer of information that most studies have denoted: the ‘black box’ of the algorithm.

SDG Challenge board

This paper seeks to explore the possibility of collaborative learning. Based on a collaborative
knowledge-sharing platform inspired and supported by Thirdroom, the purpose is
to facilitate student-company relationships. As well as, through ANT analysis, investigate
innovative network connections between its primary actors and its network. As this platform has
the UN’s Sustainable development goals in mind, it seeks to understand why innovation
technologies and problem-solving strategies involve such a high level of complexity and such necessary methods to solve issues heterogeneously

Mars Prison

Længe leve Tina

Velværeoptimerende Smart Lighting

Et designprojekt, der fokuserer på forbedring af velvære gennem bedre lysforhold


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