Hyperloops: Fremtidens Transport

This is a paradigmatic, quasi-comparative case study of the hyperloop project running between San Francisco and Los Angeles. By comparing the hyperloop system to similar systems such as the Shinkansen high speed rail system in Japan, we attempted to assess the role which the hyperloop will inhabit going forward. We found that the hyperloop shares some characteristics with the Shinkansen systems, such as long distance travel at high speeds with the aid of frictionless electromagnetic levitation. This technology, along with a vacuum tube will mitigate the high energy consumption that would other

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Hyperloops: Fremtidens Transport
Hyperloops: Fremtidens Transport

This is a paradigmatic, quasi-comparative case study of the hyperloop project running between San Francisco and Los Angeles. By comparing the hyperloop system to similar systems such as the Shinkansen high speed rail system in Japan, we attempted to assess the role which the hyperloop will inhabit going forward. We found that the hyperloop shares some characteristics with the Shinkansen systems, such as long distance travel at high speeds with the aid of frictionless electromagnetic levitation. This technology, along with a vacuum tube will mitigate the high energy consumption that would other

Algoritmisk kategorisering

This project aimed to examine the potential ramifications of implementing the Gladsaxe-model as a
form of algorithmic categorization of the citizens in Gladsaxe municipality. This was done by
analyzing the technical aspects of classification algorithms and their role in a larger data analysis
structure, drawing structural inspiration from the TRIN-model. Afterwords we looked into the
current criterias for categorizing a child as vulnerable. We then examined the legal and ethical
complications involved in an implementation of such a system, as well as the technical barriers that
would manifest

Digital Produktion – Fablab Workshop

Færdig! Man kan ikke så godt se lyset i det dejlige vejr, men det er der! Brillerne virker formidabelt! Jeg har uploadet STEP-filerne til designsne på Thingiverse (https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4204711). Så er det bare at smide den i en CNC-fræser, fyre nogle bolte igennem, og så har du 8 timers slibning foran dig. Fantastisk. Det har været en lang og stejl vej til målet, men det har været det hele værd! Jeg føler virkelig jeg har rykket mig fagligt i de her to uger.

Velværeoptimerende Smart Lighting

Et designprojekt, der fokuserer på forbedring af velvære gennem bedre lysforhold

Designprocess – Fuzzy to Final

Vi har under denne Workshop arbejdet meget med designproces og hvordan vi kommer frem til designideen. Vi lavede mange forskellige øvelser – eksempelvis startede vi alle, hver især, med at skrive vores egen ide ned på et blankt papir. Derefter sendte vi den videre til sidemanden, som der skulle fortsætte på ideen. Til sidst var det svært og blev meget mærkelige ideer, men her opstod grundlaget for vores ide faktisk.
Det var rigtig fedt at mærke, hvordan dét som virker mest langt ude, kan munde ud i et reelt problem og endda have en løsning.

Derfor har vi udviklet HIVE HOME.