Dark design

Dark design in the city planning of Copenhagen has in recent years come to be more commonly
spoken of. The homeless in the capital have had to adjust to changes that they weren’t pleased with
and as a result some homeless feel as if their everyday lives have become a heavier burden. The
purpose of this study is to analyse the multistability of selected benches found in the city of
Copenhagen to create an understanding on how the term `Dark design` can be applied and understood.
With this term, this paper seeks to allow ourselves to view the city from a different perspective…

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Dark design
Dark design

Dark design in the city planning of Copenhagen has in recent years come to be more commonly
spoken of. The homeless in the capital have had to adjust to changes that they weren’t pleased with
and as a result some homeless feel as if their everyday lives have become a heavier burden. The
purpose of this study is to analyse the multistability of selected benches found in the city of
Copenhagen to create an understanding on how the term `Dark design` can be applied and understood.
With this term, this paper seeks to allow ourselves to view the city from a different perspective…

CRISPR – Risikabelt eller acceptabelt?

The purpose of this study is to examine how the gene technology CRISPR-Cas9 can be useful in cancer treatment while looking into the ethical arguments surrounding the implementation this type of technology. Applying an argumentation analysis method, this study used ethical theory as a foundation to investigate various researchers’ viewpoint towards gene manipulation and transhumanism…..

Psykiske sygdomme simuleres i rum

The purpose of this study is to investigate how one can create a design, using Virtual Reality, that seeks to simulate mental illness, and thereby create an own-body experience.  However, this research, is focused on creating a simulation of social anxiety only. By analysis of self-conducted interviews with specialists and people who suffer from social anxiety we have further built our understanding of social anxiety. This has helped us in creating an optimal simulation scenario.

Designprocess – Fuzzy to Final

Vi har under denne Workshop arbejdet meget med designproces og hvordan vi kommer frem til designideen. Vi lavede mange forskellige øvelser – eksempelvis startede vi alle, hver især, med at skrive vores egen ide ned på et blankt papir. Derefter sendte vi den videre til sidemanden, som der skulle fortsætte på ideen. Til sidst var det svært og blev meget mærkelige ideer, men her opstod grundlaget for vores ide faktisk.
Det var rigtig fedt at mærke, hvordan dét som virker mest langt ude, kan munde ud i et reelt problem og endda have en løsning.

Derfor har vi udviklet HIVE HOME.

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