Plastik i havene set i virtual reality

This project aims to examine how a virtual reality experience can change people’s understanding of the world in relation to plastic waste in the oceans. We concluded that by aiming this experience at the politicians we will reach the best outcome because they influence the laws, and this will make a broader change. Based on our project we conclude that a virtual reality experience aimed at the politicians is a desirable tool to encourage people to make a difference, and to make them aware of how we are connected to the world through water.

CRISPR – Risikabelt eller acceptabelt?

The purpose of this study is to examine how the gene technology CRISPR-Cas9 can be useful in cancer treatment while looking into the ethical arguments surrounding the implementation this type of technology. Applying an argumentation analysis method, this study used ethical theory as a foundation to investigate various researchers’ viewpoint towards gene manipulation and transhumanism…..

Pas på nerverne

Degnestavnen Legeplads er et samlingspunkt i Nordvest for skoler, daginstitutioner, familier, foreninger og andre lokale i området.

Opgaven tager udgangspunkt i at lave et redesign af Degnestavnen legeplads, hvor løsningsforslaget vil inddrage legepladsens historie, identitet og ‘pas på nerverne’ princip.

Løsningsforslag: Legepladsens nuværende elementer bibeholdes. Den asfalterede del af legepladsen vil blive farvelagt med ‘nervebaner’, som referer til legepladsens tidligere leder og guru Niels Bay. Nervebanerne skal være med til at inspirere til leg i de nuværende legezoner.

Klimaklubben – klimaadfærd app’en

This paper addresses the immediate need for a tool to help facilitate sustainable ecological action among young Copenhageners. It examines the underlying barriers which obstruct climate friendly behaviour while concluding that the success of such a tool relies heavily on certain social factors. It ventures on to describe the iterative design process that follows the initial analysis. The paper relies heavily on the works of Anthony Giddens as well as an interview with a climate expert and several interviews with representatives from the target group.

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