Plastik i havene set i virtual reality

This project aims to examine how a virtual reality experience can change people’s understanding of the world in relation to plastic waste in the oceans. We concluded that by aiming this experience at the politicians we will reach the best outcome because they influence the laws, and this will make a broader change. Based on our project we conclude that a virtual reality experience aimed at the politicians is a desirable tool to encourage people to make a difference, and to make them aware of how we are connected to the world through water.

Selvkørende biler

Through this project, artificial intelligence and the communication system Vehicle to Everything will be explained regarding the technology. Furthermore, the project analyses and shows, through the use of qualitative content analysis, how the United States Department of Transportation and the European commission envision the future for automated mobility in the US and in Europe. The project will further conclude how the US jeopardize safety regulations in order to enhance innovation, while the EU provoke careful planning and safety regulations, which slows the innovation process.

Grøn Ros

Roskilde Festival har mange problemer med unge der henkaster affald på campingpladsen. Vores projekt søger efter, at finde en løsning til at gøre unge mellem 15-30 år, opmærksom på affaldssortering på festivalen. Vi har bygget et design, hvor folk på festivalen kan komme og sortere deres affald. Designet er baseret på lysteknologien arduinoboard, kvalitative interviews, æstetik teori, Design og konstruktion teori, adfærdsdesign og et paradigmatisk eksempel. Derudover diskuteres der i opgaven, om der skal prioriteres æstetik i samfundet, og klimaforandringerne i henhold til affaldssortering.

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