Selvkørende biler

Through this project, artificial intelligence and the communication system Vehicle to Everything will be explained regarding the technology. Furthermore, the project analyses and shows, through the use of qualitative content analysis, how the United States Department of Transportation and the European commission envision the future for automated mobility in the US and in Europe. The project will further conclude how the US jeopardize safety regulations in order to enhance innovation, while the EU provoke careful planning and safety regulations, which slows the innovation process.

Pas på nerverne

Degnestavnen Legeplads er et samlingspunkt i Nordvest for skoler, daginstitutioner, familier, foreninger og andre lokale i området.

Opgaven tager udgangspunkt i at lave et redesign af Degnestavnen legeplads, hvor løsningsforslaget vil inddrage legepladsens historie, identitet og ‘pas på nerverne’ princip.

Løsningsforslag: Legepladsens nuværende elementer bibeholdes. Den asfalterede del af legepladsen vil blive farvelagt med ‘nervebaner’, som referer til legepladsens tidligere leder og guru Niels Bay. Nervebanerne skal være med til at inspirere til leg i de nuværende legezoner.

Grøn Passage

In June 2019, Tivoli held a press conference, in which they presented their intention to convert the section of Vesterbrogade that stretches from Bernstorffsgade to H.C. Andersens Blvd. to a public park. The busy street in the heart of Copenhagen is to be completely transformed, closing the street to all traffic and incorporating trees, benches and better lighting.
Our goal throughout the project is to create a potential design in which we account for rainwater, natures impact on health, noise and air pollution.

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