Design af interaktiv lysinstallation

This project focuses on the possibility and process of creating an interactive light installation in Folehavekvarteret, an area of Copenhagen where there is already a focus on creating better lighting.
The project focuses on the technological aspects of creating an interactive installation, as well as the process of creating the design itself. The focal point has been creating an installation that not only creates a meeting point for the residents but gives them a feeling of security and safety as well. We have incorporated the TRIN-model…

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Design af interaktiv lysinstallation
Design af interaktiv lysinstallation

This project focuses on the possibility and process of creating an interactive light installation in Folehavekvarteret, an area of Copenhagen where there is already a focus on creating better lighting.
The project focuses on the technological aspects of creating an interactive installation, as well as the process of creating the design itself. The focal point has been creating an installation that not only creates a meeting point for the residents but gives them a feeling of security and safety as well. We have incorporated the TRIN-model…

Grøn Passage

In June 2019, Tivoli held a press conference, in which they presented their intention to convert the section of Vesterbrogade that stretches from Bernstorffsgade to H.C. Andersens Blvd. to a public park. The busy street in the heart of Copenhagen is to be completely transformed, closing the street to all traffic and incorporating trees, benches and better lighting.
Our goal throughout the project is to create a potential design in which we account for rainwater, natures impact on health, noise and air pollution.

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