Fødevareemballage i cirkulær økonomi

This paper examines the possibilities of redesigning the current plastic packaging of meat products to include them in a circular economy. To understand how plastic food packaging is placed in a circular economy, the paper examines the various aspects, such as how food packaging is currently designed and todays’ available recycle and sorting technologies. The paper provides an in-depth analysis focusing on the technical difficulties of changing plastic packaging of food in three of the phases in the circular economy cycle: Design, Sorting and Recycling.

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Fødevareemballage i cirkulær økonomi
Fødevareemballage i cirkulær økonomi

This paper examines the possibilities of redesigning the current plastic packaging of meat products to include them in a circular economy. To understand how plastic food packaging is placed in a circular economy, the paper examines the various aspects, such as how food packaging is currently designed and todays’ available recycle and sorting technologies. The paper provides an in-depth analysis focusing on the technical difficulties of changing plastic packaging of food in three of the phases in the circular economy cycle: Design, Sorting and Recycling.


Færdiggjort rapport

Grøn afskærmning på Nørreport Station

Dette projekt omhandler grøn afskærmning på Nørreport Station.

Optimering af byrum

Mødested for studerende i Jernbanebyen.

Støjreduktion i byen

This study examines the implementation possibilities of noise reduction technologies in Copenhagen. We are focusing on the urban space Kongens Nytorv by researching how noise is affecting the use of the square. Kongens Nytorv is a big open space with heavy traffic surrounding it that produces heavy noise. By using different observations methods and social theories we will make a purpose for implementation of noise reduction technologies to strengthen the usage of the square as a place of residence for users. This will be done through the development of several different design proposals, whose

Fremtidens boliger på vand

Climate change are having a big impact on increasing the water level all around the world and can reach a point where it will drive a lot of people out of their homes, all around the world. This change can happen at any moment, so we think it is time to explore other options concerning living conditions. But where shall we live when the sea has taken over, if not our entire country, then large parts of our country?

Byer på vand

Projekt omhandlende energisystem til byer på vand

Selvforsynende Storby

This project examines the technology hydroponic and how it is implemented and used in the context of the society. Hydroponic is a modern farming-technology which is not a common use in today’s conventional farming structures. The technology is based on a water-irrigation-system. This system is connected to a nutrient- and mineral-based dispenser. The goal of hydroponics is to keep the crop hydrated and nutrient-rich. The crop is situated in a non-soil-based growth medium.

Design af interaktiv lysinstallation

This project focuses on the possibility and process of creating an interactive light installation in Folehavekvarteret, an area of Copenhagen where there is already a focus on creating better lighting.
The project focuses on the technological aspects of creating an interactive installation, as well as the process of creating the design itself. The focal point has been creating an installation that not only creates a meeting point for the residents but gives them a feeling of security and safety as well. We have incorporated the TRIN-model…

Udbredelse af genbrugsmursten

The problem of unnecessary downcycling of building materials leads us to the premise for this project, which is why it is not a more widespread practice to reuse old building materials in new buildings. We have chosen bricks as our focus material because the technology for preparing bricks for reuse is already developed, and thus the primary barrier for widespread use is social rather than technical. We focus on relations regarding the use of reused bricks between the developer PensionDanmark and contractor Gamle Mursten.

Overgangen fra benzinbiler til elbiler

Elbilens teknologi har været længe undervejs og med dens aktualitet, som værende et alternativ til de konventionelle biler. Dermed er en optimering af elbilens teknologi, mere specifikt batteriet, uundgåeligt for at fremme udbredelsen til forbrugerne.

Lagring af vedvarende energikilder

Global climate changes have over the last couple of decades become a genuine threat to our planet. Therefore, the European Union amongst other global & intercontinental committees, set a plan for Europe to reduce their CO₂ emissions. The overall CO₂ emissions have to be reduced by 40% by 2030. Furthermore, Denmark has committed itself to completely be carbon-emission neutral by 2050.

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