VR og Mental sundhed

In this paper we want to investigate how Virtual Reality technology can contribute to the treatment of social anxiety. We want to explore this based on knowledge about Virtual Reality technology and the current treatments for social anxiety.

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VR og Mental sundhed
VR og Mental sundhed

In this paper we want to investigate how Virtual Reality technology can contribute to the treatment of social anxiety. We want to explore this based on knowledge about Virtual Reality technology and the current treatments for social anxiety.

Algoritme og Virksomheder

In this paper we want to investigate how Google as a search engine operates. We also seek to investigate how a given website’s rank can be increased on Google, based on the theory of search enginge optimization. In this regard we teamed up with the Human Ressource company, HRtechX, to illustrate how their website ranking on Google could be increased.
Our thesis explores whether HrtechXs ranking on Google can be affected by well-known search engine optimization strategies and theory hereabout. We describe the most important and relevant aspects of a search engine which include the following:

Arduino Workshop – Individuel process

Oversigt over først uge fra workshop


Vores produkt er en notifikationsmeddeler, der er designet som en postkasse. Notifikationsmeddeleren fungerer således at en Servo-motor samt LED-lys vil blive aktiveret, når brugeren modtager en besked over internettet. Se videoen for den fulde oplevelse af vores produkt.

Augmented Reality via skolen og museer

In this paper, we want to investigate the use of Augmented Reality in educational settings. We hypothesize that schools in Denmark do not have the same opportunities to visit and explore museums due to the great distance. Therefore, we want to explore the possibilities in designing a program that can solve this issue. To make a useful program for schools that displays culture and art, we have analyzed and examined the studies regarding the use of Augmented Reality in educational settings and explored learning theories.

Simple Shooter Game

Workshop: From Noob To Master Programmer in 10 days.
Prøv spillet her: https://www.openprocessing.org/sketch/975722
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Simple Shooter Game af inspireret af f.eks. spillet Space Invaders og utallige andre “shoot ’em up” og “bullet hell” spil

Luchas isn't working on any live projects right now.