VR og Mental sundhed

In this paper we want to investigate how Virtual Reality technology can contribute to the treatment of social anxiety. We want to explore this based on knowledge about Virtual Reality technology and the current treatments for social anxiety.

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VR og Mental sundhed
VR og Mental sundhed

In this paper we want to investigate how Virtual Reality technology can contribute to the treatment of social anxiety. We want to explore this based on knowledge about Virtual Reality technology and the current treatments for social anxiety.

Anbefalingsalgoritmer i hverdagen

In the project we attempt to dig into the recommendation side of Spotify, how the algorithms work, and how they shape our way of listening to and discovering new music. We chose to work primarily with the Spotify playlist “Discover Weekly”, as it generates a new playlist full of songs the user most likely have not heard at all.
The highlights:
– General insight of a consumer’s experiences with the Spotify Recommendation Algorithms.
– Awareness to how these algorithms affect the consumers choice of music.
– How the algorithms and discover weekly has affected us during the project period.

Marc’s Game Library

Jeg har i disse to uger hygget mig rigtig meget med at lave flere forskellige spil, som kan ses i min timeline. Dette har hjulpet mig med at få en bedre forståelse

Kørende Skraldespande

Projektet handler mest om hvordan man kan få en skraldespand til at køre vha. WASD, og der er meget der ikke blev nået.

Projekt “Barskab”

Jeg har lavet et Barskab. Barskabet er lavet i 3 forskellige prototyper, og jeg regner med at prototype 3, som ikke er her bliver mit final produkt, og dermed ligger jeg det op så snart den er lavet.

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