This project aims to understand the growing problem of an increase in students experiencing severe exam anxiety over the years. The so-called performance culture is building additional pressure on students to perform well and get good grades, with the fear of having the preferred options later in life if they don’t perform well here and now.
The project will be based around designing and developing an immersive performance installation, that will be able to portray the affects that students experience in relation to exam anxiety, with said experiences gathered from a series of interviews of st

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This project aims to understand the growing problem of an increase in students experiencing severe exam anxiety over the years. The so-called performance culture is building additional pressure on students to perform well and get good grades, with the fear of having the preferred options later in life if they don’t perform well here and now.
The project will be based around designing and developing an immersive performance installation, that will be able to portray the affects that students experience in relation to exam anxiety, with said experiences gathered from a series of interviews of st

Nedsat arbejdsfokus i folkeskolerne

In these observations made in this semester’s project, we will try to determine the sustainable group- workroom for primary school students. To gain knowledge about the optimal room, the audience, and the current workspaces, are observations, questionnaires, and interviews held. As for theory, Richard Thaler and his method “nudging” are used to define different elements in work-related areas at Campusskolen in Ringsted.

Reduktion engangs plastikkrus RUC-bar

Gennem dette projekt, “Reduktion af plastik-kopper på RUCbar”, sætter gruppen sig for at designe et løsningsforslag der på bedst mulig måde opnår de opstillet krav for produktet, skabt under projektet. Kriterierne for produktets endelige design vil blive defineret igennem forskellige faser for at optimere resultatet. Gruppen vil arbejde med for eksempel segmenteringsanalyse, den tekniske viden og arbejdsmetoder som er relevante for processen og fremstillingen af prototypen. Dette er for at vise den opnåede viden gennem projektet.


Afsluttet projekt kan ses i W1 d. 15