Delebiler i det offentlige transportsy

Many people do not have the need for a car every day, and it does not become cheaper over time to have a car, however, various car companies such as Share Now have made it possible for those who cannot afford a car or want to save money by using a car. This project will account for our approach towards analysis of the subject, and how it can be possible to make carpooling more easy, satisfying, and simple for users by making an app.

Algoritmers indflydelse på unge

This report examines the use of TikTok and if there is any mental health that can be damaged if you’re a younger user of the social media platform. We decided to narrow down the target audience and have produced this question for research: “Which effect does the social media TikTok have on young individuals, and does it have potential positive and negative effects?”
Through research and analysis it can be concluded that there are both positive and negative consequences of using TikTok if you’re a younger individual. Both parents and younger people are aware of the pros and cons, but as it see

Snus Box

I Arduino-Ninja i FabLab, har vi lavet en SnusBox, som skal hjælpe dig med at holde dig fra at tage snus gentagne gange indenfor kort tid.

Reduktion engangs plastikkrus RUC-bar

Gennem dette projekt, “Reduktion af plastik-kopper på RUCbar”, sætter gruppen sig for at designe et løsningsforslag der på bedst mulig måde opnår de opstillet krav for produktet, skabt under projektet. Kriterierne for produktets endelige design vil blive defineret igennem forskellige faser for at optimere resultatet. Gruppen vil arbejde med for eksempel segmenteringsanalyse, den tekniske viden og arbejdsmetoder som er relevante for processen og fremstillingen af prototypen. Dette er for at vise den opnåede viden gennem projektet.

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