Deep fake – et værktøj eller våben

Dette projekt har til formål at undersøge deep fake og de teknologier der kan bruges til at skabe
deep fakes. Projektet tager udgangspunkt i historien bag manipulation af et medie og hvordan det
har udviklet sig gennem tiden. Der er blevet inddraget relevante casestudies og eksperimenter, der
skal give et indblik i hvor gode mennesker er til at genkende et falsk medie.
Udover det undersøges der også om de tilsigtede og utilsigtede effekter som deep fake kan have,
samt hvilken rolle deep fake spiller i den politiske verden.

Social media algorithms

The focus of this project is to understand how the TikTok recommendation algorithm works and observe how it affects the user. Furthermore, this paper works towards understanding what a filter bubble is and if a filter bubble is a negative thing. This project is based on theories about machine learning, algorithms and filter bubbles. The project includes a pilot experiment where the aim is to discern if filter bubbles exist and if so, how fast they can occur.

Tænk på Lydniveauet


Automatisk Plante Vanding

This project aims to produce a solution to the problem surrounding the small number of young adults that buy houseplants. The conclusion for this problem came from an analytical production process, in which design theory played a key role. The project has utilized several methods of creating and constructing an analysis of the problem at hand, and several design methods to work an idea into a tangible and functional product. The analytical methods used to establish a documented understanding of the problem involve interviews, colored cognitive mapping, diffusion of innovation, as well as sever

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