IT-sikkerhed i små virksomheder

The purpose of this project is to pinpoint where small-sized businesses in Denmark can improve their IT-security procedures. In order to do so, we have partnered up with a small-size music venue to investigate its IT-security practices, and determine the severity of their vulnerabilities, if any. Small- sized businesses usually have a low level of IT-security, due to it being a highly resource demanding process to initiate and maintain.

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IT-sikkerhed i små virksomheder
IT-sikkerhed i små virksomheder

The purpose of this project is to pinpoint where small-sized businesses in Denmark can improve their IT-security procedures. In order to do so, we have partnered up with a small-size music venue to investigate its IT-security practices, and determine the severity of their vulnerabilities, if any. Small- sized businesses usually have a low level of IT-security, due to it being a highly resource demanding process to initiate and maintain.

IT-sikkerhed i danske SMV’er

Projektet handler om hvordan it-sikkerheden i danske SMV’er kan undersøges, analysere og måske forbedres.

VR som motivationsfremmer

In this paper, we examine whether Virtual Reality can contribute to a change in motivation regarding to the natural sciences within an educational context, based on a VR-experiment using the smartphone application Up’n’Atom, conductedwith a seventh-grade class at Borup Skole.Our analysis of motivation is based on an understanding that motivation is a highly subjective term and thus makes it practically impossible to quantify in any way.

Magnus isn't working on any live projects right now.