Gaming eller Gambling

This paper analyzes lootboxes in context to the human behavior, surrounding its use
amongst the youth, that occurs through the use of video games monetization
systems, hence why this paper researches what makes these lootboxes attractive to
the youth. This will be carried out through the understanding of how behaviorism and
subsequently how reward systems in video game design works, by analyzing these
concepts through the use of actor-network theory. (…)

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Gaming eller Gambling
VR implementation i militæret

This report examines what lies before the implementation of virtual reality exposure therapy in
the Danish military academy, FAK. The virtual reality experience is thought to be implemented
as an educational tool for preparing the academy’s cadets for their parachute exam. We seek
to understand the concepts of how exposure therapy in theory can be used through virtually
reality, to make the cadets tolerate their fear of heights, in which we look upon their symptoms
while being exposed through VR.

VR faldskærmsudspring

This project revolves around how to structure as well as document the development process for a virtual reality application for Oculus Quest, and how it can be conceptualized and created to serve the purpose as an aid to treat fear of height. The project is structured mainly using a Kanban board and the application is developed using the Unity Game Engine and Visual Studio with written code in the C# programming language which is native to Unity. (…)

Gaming eller Gambling

This paper analyzes lootboxes in context to the human behavior, surrounding its use
amongst the youth, that occurs through the use of video games monetization
systems, hence why this paper researches what makes these lootboxes attractive to
the youth. This will be carried out through the understanding of how behaviorism and
subsequently how reward systems in video game design works, by analyzing these
concepts through the use of actor-network theory. (…)

VR som motivationsfremmer

In this paper, we examine whether Virtual Reality can contribute to a change in motivation regarding to the natural sciences within an educational context, based on a VR-experiment using the smartphone application Up’n’Atom, conductedwith a seventh-grade class at Borup Skole.Our analysis of motivation is based on an understanding that motivation is a highly subjective term and thus makes it practically impossible to quantify in any way.

Icebreaker – the tinder chat game

A game that simulates chats between players


The common areas on the dormitory Korallen in Trekroner is the main subject of this paper, with the main problem being grave dissatisfaction with these common areas. The residents think that the common areas are dull, dirty and poorly lighted and they have tried to improve them on their own, but without much success. This paper will focus on the poor lighting, to try and improve the common areas, by redesigning the lighting system. This improvement will bring forth a physical design based on research done, about the residents, the dorm and relation between people and light. (…)

Frederik isn't working on any live projects right now.