
This paper seeks to streamline the process of ordering and automate the creation of drinks. While a machine for creating drinks was proposed was not completed.
The paper starts out exploring the project management methodology. Here the project made use of user stories, Kanban and a use case diagram. User stories were used to find the scope of the project. Kanban was used for time management and use case diagram was used to further develop the use for the app.
Only an app for android and server is made. The server is made in the language Swift using Vapor as a framework. The server would be use

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This paper seeks to streamline the process of ordering and automate the creation of drinks. While a machine for creating drinks was proposed was not completed.
The paper starts out exploring the project management methodology. Here the project made use of user stories, Kanban and a use case diagram. User stories were used to find the scope of the project. Kanban was used for time management and use case diagram was used to further develop the use for the app.
Only an app for android and server is made. The server is made in the language Swift using Vapor as a framework. The server would be use

Gaming eller Gambling

This paper analyzes lootboxes in context to the human behavior, surrounding its use
amongst the youth, that occurs through the use of video games monetization
systems, hence why this paper researches what makes these lootboxes attractive to
the youth. This will be carried out through the understanding of how behaviorism and
subsequently how reward systems in video game design works, by analyzing these
concepts through the use of actor-network theory. (…)

Teknologien bag selvkørende biler

This paper seeks to study how the different technological artefacts in a self driving car function. In addition, it also investigates how one can learn about the Artificial Intelligence used in these cars, by constructing a virtual 3D simulation using the engine Unity. Some of the more relevant technological artefacts are explained, as well as their link and connection to one another, to get a sense of the coherence between the different sensors and the AI in a self driving car. The process of learning by constructing a simulation is examined by using John Dewey’s theory about …

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