Kommunikation i sundhedsvæsenet

In Denmark practitioners and patients are not good at communicating with each other, which has led to 63 people dying each year because of patient injuries that occur due to misdiagnosis. Over time, the Danish government in collaboration with municipalities and regions have improved digitalization in danish healthcare, intending to support communication for this issue. With this in mind, the project examines if an app can contribute to stronger communication between a general practitioner and a patient.

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Kommunikation i sundhedsvæsenet
Kommunikation i sundhedsvæsenet

In Denmark practitioners and patients are not good at communicating with each other, which has led to 63 people dying each year because of patient injuries that occur due to misdiagnosis. Over time, the Danish government in collaboration with municipalities and regions have improved digitalization in danish healthcare, intending to support communication for this issue. With this in mind, the project examines if an app can contribute to stronger communication between a general practitioner and a patient.

Brugerdrevet design

The purpose of thisprojectistotry to identify common tendencies in different PD cases, and to see if it is possible to schematize these tendencies, toachievea higher understanding, and a helpful guide for future PD-projects.Furthermore, the project will explainindetail how current PD-projectsfunction and the ups and downs by takingaparticipatory approach.The project will include a comprehensivedata analysis, interviews with leading PDresearchersand the use of theauto ethnographicapproach.Through empirical,quantitativeand qualitativemethods, the project has found its foundation in six…

The Unknown Data

This project focuses on relevance algorithms, and how Social Media platforms potentially use the technology. We focus our research on the platform Facebook for this project. The report is in Danish, and will touch upon the subject, on how Facebook arguably collect data from their userbase, and from other third-party programs, applications and such, with the purpose of providing personalized content and advertisement. The report also investigates how relevance algorithms might work. To research how Facebook potentially do that, we execute and analyze an experiment, and try to reach a …

Datasikkerhed i ansigsgenkendelse

Vi undersøger ansigtsgenkendelse som teknologi. Heriblandt kigger vi på lovgivningen og udfordringerne. Vi udfører vores eget eksperiment.

Red Resten

The purpose of this report is to examine how to decrease food waste in single – and family households by using an app as a tool to change their behaviour.

Our prototype was made as a story board in Photoshop. The initial design was brought to the interviews to get feedback for further development.

To have the best foundation to further develop the app, we looked at previous research papers that focus on this specific subject. We used the findings of those papers to establish what had previously worked and failed and made new design proposals based on that and our findings in our interviews

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