Kommunikation hos Feriepartner Møn-Ste

The study investigates the needs of Feriepartner Møn-Stevns, a vacation rental bureau. In an effort to increase effectiveness through a new digital feature, set to solve issues with their internal communication. It makes use of the MUST-method to focus on user centered analysis, design and strategic planning. The analytic data is obtained through conducting research observations with relevant stakeholders within the Bureau.
The study utilizes stakeholder analysis in order to structure Unified Modeling Language diagrams to visualize the “as-is” structure giving the data to restructure

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Kommunikation hos Feriepartner Møn-Ste
Kommunikation hos Feriepartner Møn-Ste

The study investigates the needs of Feriepartner Møn-Stevns, a vacation rental bureau. In an effort to increase effectiveness through a new digital feature, set to solve issues with their internal communication. It makes use of the MUST-method to focus on user centered analysis, design and strategic planning. The analytic data is obtained through conducting research observations with relevant stakeholders within the Bureau.
The study utilizes stakeholder analysis in order to structure Unified Modeling Language diagrams to visualize the “as-is” structure giving the data to restructure

Fertilitet i Danmark

The purpose of this report is to examinate artificial insemination and the related discourses in news media. The report attempts to apply different scientific theories regarding feminism to explain the different views from the articles. The report therefore has a focus on subjectivity technology and society as well as a minor focus on technological systems and artefacts. The goal of the report is to discuss whether there is a scientific explanation of the discrimination within laws of scientific insemination or if the reasoning is a result of discourses.

Urban Agrikultur i København

Dette projekt omhandler teknologien urban tagbaseret agrikultur, der forsynes af regnvandsindsamling fra tagoverflader, og hvordan denne kan implementeres i København. Projektet kortlægger eksisterende viden, erfaring og praksis inden for regnvandsopsamling og urban agrikultur. Projektets målsætning er at skabe en samlet vidensbase specifikt tilpasset København og formidle denne gennem en designmanual med Københavns Kommune som afsender.

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This paper examines how our artifact called “læringsstativet,” can strengthen children’s educational levels in danish kindergartens, as well as their social skills, and thereby making the job of preparing children for preschool easier for danish kindergarten teachers. It is also examined which design choices can make “læringsstativet” the most efficient regarding the aforementioned factors. The design process consisting of inspiration, ideation, Implementation is explained. By using colored cognitive mapping we identified the causes and consequences of the problem, that there are not enough nu

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