Unge med Handicap
This paper seeks to examine the social needs of young people with disability
This paper seeks to examine the social needs of young people with disability
This paper seeks to examine the alcohol culture among young people between 20 and 25 years in Denmark. Binge-drinking is a reality, and research from Sundhedsstyrelsen shows, that this drinking culture has big consequences. Therefore, we are going to try and affect this culture. We wish to introduce the target group, to other ways of gratification. Therefore, we will inform the target group about quality beer. To do so, we will analyze the production of quality beer, by using the trinmodel. Hereafter we will perform a taste test, where the target group are introduced to quality beer.
This paper examines how our artifact called “læringsstativet,” can strengthen children’s educational levels in danish kindergartens, as well as their social skills, and thereby making the job of preparing children for preschool easier for danish kindergarten teachers. It is also examined which design choices can make “læringsstativet” the most efficient regarding the aforementioned factors. The design process consisting of inspiration, ideation, Implementation is explained. By using colored cognitive mapping we identified the causes and consequences of the problem, that there are not enough nu
Vi er gået fra en masse ideer til et endeligt produkt. Undervejs i processen har vi udviklet forskellige metoder at løse problemerne på, eksempelvis vores rampe der hjalp til at skære vinkler på vores sider. Det har ikke blot været et projekt hvor vi er gået fra A til B, men et projekt hvor vi har mærket en hel proces, og hvordan tingene aldrig går lige efter ens hoved.
Det har været en sjov og lærerig workshop!