Smart Homes/Smart Mirror

The focus of this project is Subjectivity, Technology and Society, apart from this the report
will also include elements from the course Technology, Systems and Artefacts. The purpose of
this report is to research what consequences Smart Home devices can have on their user’s
privacy and the security of their homes and find out whether these consequences can have
negative or positive effects. Furthermore, we introduce our own homemade Smart Home
device, a Smart Mirror.

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Smart Homes/Smart Mirror
Smart Homes/Smart Mirror

The focus of this project is Subjectivity, Technology and Society, apart from this the report
will also include elements from the course Technology, Systems and Artefacts. The purpose of
this report is to research what consequences Smart Home devices can have on their user’s
privacy and the security of their homes and find out whether these consequences can have
negative or positive effects. Furthermore, we introduce our own homemade Smart Home
device, a Smart Mirror.

New Drone Order

The main focus of the project is Technology, Systems and Artefacts. Apart from TSA, the report will also include Subjectivity, Technology and Society, also known as STS. The project’s goal is to research whether the drone delivery service we have in mind is plausible or not, in which ways it is challenged, and what kind of technological system would be able to smoothen out the difficulties. We attempt to find a solution to drones having to deliver packages to apartments, with inspiration from a short film called SKYWATCH.

Workshop arduino ninja


Beskyttelse af persondata

The average person spends more of their daily lives on the internet, this means big technology corporations, such as Google, Microsoft and Facebook, these corporations collect more data about their users than over before. However, this problem isn’t seen by the average internet user. Therefore, we give them an opportunity through a prototype of a web-application. This prototype includes a portion of design theories, these theories purpose is to make the user experience more friendly. This web-application have a simple description of central terms.

Black holes

We decided to produce a short film, related to the person writing our Postcard from Mars. Link to the film below, written postcard attached.