Game environment for interaction

We have programmed a 3D game that has the fundamental function of a starting first person shooter game.
The player can move, jump, aim, shoot and the AI’s can chase, patrol and
shoot after the player. We created different AI’s so the game has more variety, instead of just fighting one enemy all the time. They have different Health points, some can shoot, chase and
others just patrol. The game has a scoreboard of enemies left counter, but does not have the
most optimal functions. Bugs can emerge, but do not ruin the fundamental function coded in
the game. The design of the game is basic.

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Game environment for interaction
Game environment for interaction

We have programmed a 3D game that has the fundamental function of a starting first person shooter game.
The player can move, jump, aim, shoot and the AI’s can chase, patrol and
shoot after the player. We created different AI’s so the game has more variety, instead of just fighting one enemy all the time. They have different Health points, some can shoot, chase and
others just patrol. The game has a scoreboard of enemies left counter, but does not have the
most optimal functions. Bugs can emerge, but do not ruin the fundamental function coded in
the game. The design of the game is basic.

Eksoskeleton for elders

Something educational about exoskeletons


In the following report we will describe the technological and ethical aspects of the genetic engineering tool known as the CRISPR/Cas9 technology. This new and groundbreaking method comes with a lot of concerns which we will address and discuss. We will also be looking at the current EU legislation and discuss whether they are properly justified. We then finally wish to clarify the ethical questions surrounding the technology and wish to answer the question: “Is the use of the CRISPR/Cas9 technology in embryo be ethical?”.

Beskyttelse af persondata

The average person spends more of their daily lives on the internet, this means big technology corporations, such as Google, Microsoft and Facebook, these corporations collect more data about their users than over before. However, this problem isn’t seen by the average internet user. Therefore, we give them an opportunity through a prototype of a web-application. This prototype includes a portion of design theories, these theories purpose is to make the user experience more friendly. This web-application have a simple description of central terms.

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