Datingkulturen i det moderne samfund
The purpose of this project is to examine how Tinder works and have changed the way people date in the modern society.
The purpose of this project is to examine how Tinder works and have changed the way people date in the modern society.
Vi har afsluttet vores projekt, hvis formål er at reducere plastikforureningen i havene. Vi har taget de gode råd til os, som vi har fået fra opponentgruppen, samt vejlederne og arbejdet videre med dem.
This project investigates young women’s relationship to social media, were our target group is the 16 to 24 year old women. Our main focus is to find out how the social media is used by our target group, as well as what impact it can have on their mental health. We will use empirical methods as well as theoretical knowledge to get an overall view of the problem, and we will use it to create an understanding between our target group and us. We found out that the young women were aware of the impact of social media in their everyday life, through our quantitative study and our qualitative studie
Vi vil re-designe det store auditorium, herunder i en mere brugervenlig og æstetisk retning til de studerende.Vores færdige produkt er en model af det store auditorium i kryssfiner, 3D skitser samt en planche der illustrere arbejdsprocessen, som skal vises til showtime.