Datingkulturen i det moderne samfund
The purpose of this project is to examine how Tinder works and have changed the way people date in the modern society.
The purpose of this project is to examine how Tinder works and have changed the way people date in the modern society.
Vi har afsluttet vores projekt, hvis formål er at reducere plastikforureningen i havene. Vi har taget de gode råd til os, som vi har fået fra opponentgruppen, samt vejlederne og arbejdet videre med dem.
In this report mental health and how to remedy the problem is examined. The group stumbled upon numbers from Psykiatrifonden showing how young women aged 16-24 had a 23.8 percentage of poor mental health. Therefore, the group chose to start a design process to solve this problem. A website was created to gather information. However, it was determined that the website alone would not succeed to help women with poor mental health and therefore a campaign was added to raise awareness of the website.