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The general theme of this report is technological systems and artefacts. Besides method related to technological systems and artefacts, the report will also include method and theories from the humanistic faculty. The purpose of the report is to explore euthanasia in general, as well as the discussion of implementation and legalization of euthanasia in Denmark. The report uses the Netherlands and Schweiz as cases, for how euthanasia is practiced legally. To explore different views of euthanasia, we have conducted interviews and analyzed how each argument works.

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The general theme of this report is technological systems and artefacts. Besides method related to technological systems and artefacts, the report will also include method and theories from the humanistic faculty. The purpose of the report is to explore euthanasia in general, as well as the discussion of implementation and legalization of euthanasia in Denmark. The report uses the Netherlands and Schweiz as cases, for how euthanasia is practiced legally. To explore different views of euthanasia, we have conducted interviews and analyzed how each argument works.

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We managed to create a GPS tracking arduino to help us track litter and trash on the street of Marstal!

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