Energifællesskab Havebyen Mozart

This project is a case study of the establishment of the community microgrid of Havebyen
Mozart, in the greater Copenhagen region, spring 2023. It focuses on the power relations
Havebyen Mozart encounters while establishing their local energy community, and how
these help or hinder the process.

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Energifællesskab Havebyen Mozart
Energifællesskab Havebyen Mozart

This project is a case study of the establishment of the community microgrid of Havebyen
Mozart, in the greater Copenhagen region, spring 2023. It focuses on the power relations
Havebyen Mozart encounters while establishing their local energy community, and how
these help or hinder the process.

Planlægningsprocessen for vindmøller

This paper
aims to explore the planning process of wind energy, identify the existing problems in the
planning process, and propose a solution to reach SDG7. The presented research is based
on a literature review of the planning process, the laws for the planning process, the actors
in the network of the planning, and focusses on unforeseen consequences in wind energy
projects. The project also includes Actor-network theory to get a knowledge of the network
of actors behind the planning of wind energy projects.

Power in Maps

The project group has endeavored to produce a multitude of cartographic analysis on several different
maps of Jerusalem, rooted in the theoretical collections and perspectives of primarily John Brian Harley
and Denis Wood. To assist and supplement the production of such a cartographic analysis, the group
conducted several ethnographically rooted interviews on an academic fieldtrip to Jerusalem, Israel.

Bekæmpelse af forurening i havene

Plastic pollution in the oceans is now a severe environmental threat, with social and economic consequences. The problem is such, that it has been listed by the UN as part of “SDG14”; one of its 17 Sustainable Development Goals. This paper aims to explore the reason of such a complex problem, identify a possible solution, and propose a solution-design to reach SDG14. The presented research is based on a literature review of the nature of plastic, its history and development, the relation of plastic with fungi, and the concept of mycoremediation. The project also includes a hands-on experiment

Protection of otters in Denmark

In Denmark, the extinction status of the Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) is categorized as “vulnerable”. Sadly, each year many are killed by traffic when trying to cross the roads running through their habitat. In this paper we are researching how GIS can contribute to the surveillance and protection of the otter population in Denmark. We will investigate how analyses and processing of data in GIS can contribute to better informed initiatives in protecting otters from being killed by traffic. By looking into theory on conservation initiatives, like the Ramsar Convention…


Design af fremtidens energisystem

Lights In The Dark

This paper is a design report centred around public space, lighting and the perceived notion
of unsafety.

Julie isn't working on any live projects right now.