Microtransactions i Spilindustrien

This paper has the purpose of researching the effects and consequences of microtransactions on the danish youth age 12-18, and suggest a regulation regarding microtransactions. It will provide an overview of the history of the technology that is microtransactions, and how it has evolved. Furthermore China, South Korea and Denmark will be compared, based on cultural differences along with the respective countries’ regulations on microtransactions and gaming.

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Microtransactions i Spilindustrien
Microtransactions i Spilindustrien

This paper has the purpose of researching the effects and consequences of microtransactions on the danish youth age 12-18, and suggest a regulation regarding microtransactions. It will provide an overview of the history of the technology that is microtransactions, and how it has evolved. Furthermore China, South Korea and Denmark will be compared, based on cultural differences along with the respective countries’ regulations on microtransactions and gaming.

Kan kød erstattes af luft?

This paper examines the possibilities of using air and electricity to create protein through a fermentation process, which is referred to as “air protein”. . This paper analyses the internal mechanisms and processes of the fermentation process. The paper then compares air protein to our current meat production by analysing various climate footprints of air protein against beef production. Multiple barriers to changing peoples’ current meat consumption are also identified.

Fermenteringstank prototype

Igennem workshop med fablab har jeg lært at bruge fusion 360 til at lave 3d modeller som kan blive printet ud.

Der er blevet 3d printet en fermenteringstank, som ikke er funktionel.

Der kræves lidt mere arbejde og research at lave en laboratorie skala, samt funktionaliteterne.

Fødevareemballage i cirkulær økonomi

This paper examines the possibilities of redesigning the current plastic packaging of meat products to include them in a circular economy. To understand how plastic food packaging is placed in a circular economy, the paper examines the various aspects, such as how food packaging is currently designed and todays’ available recycle and sorting technologies. The paper provides an in-depth analysis focusing on the technical difficulties of changing plastic packaging of food in three of the phases in the circular economy cycle: Design, Sorting and Recycling.

Jia Hao isn't working on any live projects right now.