Microtransactions i Spilindustrien

This paper has the purpose of researching the effects and consequences of microtransactions on the danish youth age 12-18, and suggest a regulation regarding microtransactions. It will provide an overview of the history of the technology that is microtransactions, and how it has evolved. Furthermore China, South Korea and Denmark will be compared, based on cultural differences along with the respective countries’ regulations on microtransactions and gaming.

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Microtransactions i Spilindustrien
Microtransactions i Spilindustrien

This paper has the purpose of researching the effects and consequences of microtransactions on the danish youth age 12-18, and suggest a regulation regarding microtransactions. It will provide an overview of the history of the technology that is microtransactions, and how it has evolved. Furthermore China, South Korea and Denmark will be compared, based on cultural differences along with the respective countries’ regulations on microtransactions and gaming.

Teknologisk formidling til folkeskolen

Projektet omhandler teknologiforståelse i folkeskolen, og introduktion af dette som fag i indskolingen. Gruppen har udviklet en robot og et programmeringssprog til eleverne i indskolingen, der skal medvirke øget teknologiforståelse, digital dannelse og forberedelse til det fremtidige samfund og arbejdsmarked.

Derudover sammenlignes gruppens produkt med en mulig konkurrent, LEGO MINDSTORMS. Der undersøges også teknologiundervisning i Holland og USA, hvorefter en sammenligning med Danmark finder sted.

RemindArm – Fysisk Timer

På Arduino workshoppen E2022 har vi bygget en fysisk timer i form af en automatisk robotarm. Produktet har til formål at hjælpe individer i dagligdagen med, at huske diverse aktiviteter de skal huske at lave i løbet af dagen.

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