OOA og Mediebilledets diskurs

This study examines the media discourses about Denmark’s public energy planning politics with focus on nuclear energy and public activistic movements. This study examines the relationship between the public opinion and how it was influenced by the anti-nuclear movement OOA and their activities. Through the gathering of empirical resources from contemporary newspapers this study examines how different this movement was portrayed in the public media and how the media acquired their own opinions. It examines OOA and how they influenced people and the media’s opinion.

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OOA og Mediebilledets diskurs
OOA og Mediebilledets diskurs

This study examines the media discourses about Denmark’s public energy planning politics with focus on nuclear energy and public activistic movements. This study examines the relationship between the public opinion and how it was influenced by the anti-nuclear movement OOA and their activities. Through the gathering of empirical resources from contemporary newspapers this study examines how different this movement was portrayed in the public media and how the media acquired their own opinions. It examines OOA and how they influenced people and the media’s opinion.


This paper dives into the thoughts and processes behind the Supercykelsti
phenomenon that seeks to enrich Denmark’s bicycling infrastructure. By interviewing
officials from within the system of developing infrastructure, it becomes clear which
parameters and standards the biking lanes must contain. The most vital parameters;
hereunder security, comfort and accessibility, have been studied and put into context
of each other. Nudging is also discussed as a means to help citizens increase the
effectiveness of the parameters themselves. Analyzing the Supercykelsti also makes
it apparent where thes

Green Roof Space

Vores projekt “Green Roof Space”.

Ideen er at prøve at løse støj og gener fra byrummet generelt. Dette har vi prøvet at illustrere gennem vores enkle prototype, der skal vise hvordan et simpelt hyggeligt rum med tilhørende udendørs areal kan mindske lydgener, da støjen derved bliver ført over byrummet og andre mennesker.
Samtidig med at de tomme tage og plads bliver udnyttet.

Dette vil skabe et privat sted at kunne mødes uden at generer andre i nabolaget.

Design sprint studierammer

Vores idé har til formål at skabe rammer og rutine så individet føler at de har en hverdag og noget at se frem til.

Ideen er at før eller under forelæsning skal der forekomme en fysisk aktivitet i form af f.eks. en hurtig gåtur, 5 minutters udstrækning.

Ved at lave en fysisk aktivet før den gennemsnitlige online undervisning/forelæsning begynder, “jumpstarter” vores idé hjernen og forbereder den til at modtage læring.

Udover fysiske aktiviteter er vores idé også at undervisningen har et “pausesystem”, som underviseren primært styrer. Så eleverne derved ikke føler de sidder stille og ly


This paper seeks to study whether the online platforms used by the students at Roskilde University causes confusion or stress. It also seeks to shed light on the design choices behind an alternative interface for the online platforms at the university. There are different ways to create a good design and those methods are explored. Through feedback and interviews will this paper create a deeper understanding of the existing confusion due to the design of the university’s websites, and offers a design idea to help minimize the confusion. Supported by Schneiderman’s golden rules of design and co


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