En materiel-diskursiv og sanselig undersøgelse af Stejlepladsen og Fiskerhavnen. Udmundede i en udstilling med henblik på at undersøge og afprøve en anden tilgang til og formidling af områder end benyttet i eksisterende byudvikling

Recirkulering af bleer med ABENA

In this report, we study the possibilities for implementing a socio-technical system for
recycling nutrients in used baby and toddler diapers from nurseries in Roskilde
Municipality. To investigate the issue, we apply the ABCD-methodology presented in a
Framework for Strategic Sustainable Development (FSSD). The methodology allows us to
create a vision for Roskilde Municipality that has come to serve as a central actor in our

At se luft

This paper examines how data visualizations of air quality with color is perceived. To unfold the subject at hand, we find inspiration in Jennifer Gabrys’ ‘citizen sensing’ projects and we explore how DIY ‘sensing’ technologies are built. By investigating how a person reacts to data visualization in real time we delve into the post-phenomenological relationship between technology, humans and their ‘lived world’. The research is anchored in a case study focusing on the perceived air quality by cyclists in Copenhagen. The subjects of the study engage with a particulate matter monitor for a week


Problemformulering: Hvordan kan Grasshopper bruges i en Maker-produktion, og hvordan har Maker-bevægelsen indvirkning på demokratiseringen af design?