Algoritmer i det offentlige

This paper seeks to study the use and impact of artificial intelligence in the public sector focusing on the employment centers. Artificial intelligence is becoming a bigger part of the public sector in the hopes of streamlining processes and procedures. In order to understand how the implementation of A.I. will work. The underlying technology in A.I. will be analyzed in order to examine other parts of the technology. This will be done using the TRIN- model.

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Algoritmer i det offentlige
Algoritmer i det offentlige

This paper seeks to study the use and impact of artificial intelligence in the public sector focusing on the employment centers. Artificial intelligence is becoming a bigger part of the public sector in the hopes of streamlining processes and procedures. In order to understand how the implementation of A.I. will work. The underlying technology in A.I. will be analyzed in order to examine other parts of the technology. This will be done using the TRIN- model.

In The Chains Of Algorithms

This project is a study regarding the usage of Facebook’s News Feed focusing on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. This project’s research will also include the effects the technology has on the users, in particular how the algorithms might polarize and in worst case radicalize the user. Our findings show that Facebook’s news feed consists of machine learning, decision trees and matrixes. These technological parts are what makes every single news feed individual and can to some extent make a user polarised and radicalised.

In our theoretical part of the project we made an in-depth

#WSF21 AI Workshop: Smartmirror

Via kodning og kreativitet har vi udarbejdet et Smartmirror samt en protype hertil. Du kan via de delte links prøve tøj på samt se processen bag.

Vi håber du syntes lige så meget om vores projekt som vi selv gør!! 😀

Tak fordi du kigger forbi!!!

God fornøjelse 😉

Forståelse for klimakrisen

Threatning textiles report

Head Ball

Head Ball is a game where Trump and Biden fights to be president