Digitalt Rejsekort

When users are introduced to the design process of a digital solution to Rejsekortet, this is the result

Wellbeing on board DFDS ships

Assisting DFDS in designing a monitoring system for their employees wellbeing

Unges dialog om online svindel

Our aim with this paper is to explore the feelings, experiences, and perceived dialogue regarding
online fraud and different ways to work with the topic to promote dialogue.
The empirical foundation of the thesis is based on two qualitative group interviews with three
young adults in each who consider themselves as best friends. The theoretical foundation of our
study draws upon the works of dialogical theorist Martin Buber and Danish theorists Marianne
Kristiansen and Jørgen Bloch-Poulsen.

Delebilsordning i Roskilde Kommune

Hjælper Roskilde kommune til at forstå behovet for dele biler samt fremme brugen af dem.

Teknologisk markeringspind

For the past one hundred years, the white cane has not been developed in its function or
design. This project examines the
function of the traditional white cane and how it could possibly be optimized for its tasks. A
prototype was created of the traditional white cane with sensors and haptic feedback. The
prototype was manufactured to determine if there was a possibility to invent a smarter white cane.

Robotter og Levendegørelse

Dette er vores endelige produkt

VR til behandling af socialfobi

Vi undersøger i dette projekt om virtual reality kan bruges i behandlingen af socialfobi. I dag er den mest effektive behandlingsform kognitiv adfærdsterapi, hvor eksponering er nøglen til effektiviteten. Vi undersøger hvordan eksponering virker i virtual reality, og om dette er et bedre alternativ end den nuværende behandlingsform.

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