Digitalisering i rejsebranchen

The focus of this project lies in the digitalization of the travel industry, and which problems has risen as a consequence of the change from human interactions with booking agents, to technology-based interactions via online platforms. From this focus the research question below was developed:
Which problems has appeared in the individuals process of travel booking because of digitalization and how can these problems be catered through new technologies and platforms? (…)

Agil Udvikling

Agil er et moderne svar på, hvordan man udvikler komplekse løsninger. Denne opgave tager udgangspunkt i det mest udbredte agile Framework, Scrum, inden for IT-branchen. Der vil igennem Logical Framework Approach, TRIN-modellen og interviews forsøges at identificere de mest væsentlige problemer i det selvorganiserende team. Logical Framework Approach benyttes til at udarbejde løsninger, inden for Scrum som teknologisk system, på baggrund af TRIN-modellen.

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